SC 246 Corridor Improvements Project
In order for the project to be eligible for federal funds, the Project Team is performing studies and preparing an environmental document that complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires evaluating the proposed project’s impacts to the human and natural environment and providing opportunities for federal, state, and local agencies and the public to provide input during the development of the project. The environmental document identifies the purpose and need of the project, analyzes alternatives that may meet the purpose and need, and recommends a preferred alternative based on an impact analysis and public input.
Every effort will be made to minimize impacts to the human and natural environment during the development of the project. For this reason, potential impacts to wetlands, streams, farmlands, threatened and endangered species, floodplains, and archaeological or historical sites are evaluated as part of the NEPA process.
The project team will evaluate impacts to the human environment and will ensure compliance with environmental justice (EJ) requirements. Environmental Justice (EJ) involves fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the transportation decision making process.
The environmental documentation is underway and public outreach begins in late 2023. A proactive public involvement process will be an integral component of the project. Input regarding the project's purpose and need, public outreach methods, alternatives development, and identification of a preferred alternative is welcomed. See the included videos for more information about the NEPA process.
NEPA Videos
For additional information about the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) as it applies to highway projects, please watch the following videos: